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ArtCure PW DP

ArtCure Diffusional Patch

What’s Artcure?

Combination of the words ART and CURE, ARTCURE® is a new system which will change the existing treatment protocols and do it deeply and naively without damaging, just like making art.

ARTCURE® is the only product applied transdermally which ensures relieve on the pressure on the spinal line by making the disc herniation smaller than the body mass thanks to its mechanical effect.

With its designated ARTCURE® carrier, ARTCURE® components reaching nucleus pulposus (herniated disc) ensure that the water inside the nucleus pulposus (which is approximately 80% in volume) is bulged out; therefore, mass of the herniated nucleus pulposus is significantly reduced. Once the nucleus pulposus becomes lighter, it makes less pressure on the nerve root and spine itself. This in return significantly relieves the patient’s pain.

Patients do not require presenting an MR to apply ARTCURE®. This requirement serves to establish the right indication as not all neck and lumbar pain may not be based on herniation. Following clinical recovery of the patients after the treatment, MR is asked to demonstrate the effect.

ARTCURE®, with its high rates of clinical achievement in very short time and low rates of adverse effects, is the most effective treatment support to the existing protocols.

Would you like to know more about Artcure® PW DP?

Please contact Neitropia Clinic

Ilinden 33
Varna, 9000